Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance of Attending All Your Classes

So have you ever asked yourself or wondered: What’s the importance of attending all your classes, and what’s the importance of actively participating in class discussions? Well you will soon find out that it is so very important that you do attend all your classes and that you are actively participating in class discussions. First let’s answer what’s the importance of attending all your classes? Well to start off with attending class helps you to learn in many different ways. Lectures help you out on reading assignments, class presentations show information differently than the text, discussion of topics provides current or new information, and hearing comments and questions of others may answer your own questions. Taking your classes seriously is the only way that you will ever do well in college. Going to class is a good thing because well you paid for it. Why throw your money away simply because you don't feel like going? Don't let your teacher get free money, and then give them an excuse to fail you. Why would you even sign up for college if you weren't going to go to class in the first place? There is no reason not to go to class if you are going to college. That is why you go to school, because you are taking classes to learn. It’s only beneficial to you! Moving on, what’s the importance of actively participating in class discussions? Well the most important reason is that the teacher will consider your participation as a positive sign you are listening, willing to cooperate and most importantly willing to learn. And it also means that you are alert and thinking about what's being taught. In addition you may have valuable opinions and ideas which your classmates or teacher may need or want to hear. If you don't speak up and share, how will they know? Also you learn more by challenging and discussing the idea or topic presented. And lastly some classes may give a participation credit. So the more you participate in class discussions the better participation grade you will receive and you’ll learn more that way too! So just go to class, and participate in class discussions. It can be annoying, but you will get more out of the class if you take if you actually go. Sure, class can be boring, and they can be really early or late sometimes, but it pays to go. You learn more, you get more information, it’s beneficial for you and you get the most for the money that you paid for school. It is a huge investment, and you should take it seriously.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Early Childhood Education Essay

Abstract There has been a great deal of research conducted in the subject matter of early childhood education. During the preschool years, the human brain is growing rapidly and extremely sensitive to new information. Researchers have conducted studies in an effort to show a correlation between enrollment in early education and cognitive and social development. This paper will provide a brief overview of the results from the following: the Head Start program studies, the High/Scope Perry Preschool study, and the Child Parent Center in Chicago. This paper will also discuss the impact of childcare facilities on child development. The vast amount of research provided by these studies effectively shows an increase in cognitive development in the preschoolers that were enrolled and found that negative social behaviors were reduced as a result of early education intervention. The research indicates that all children exhibited signs of cognitive and social growth, but that underprivileged children w ere impacted the most. Child- care facilities were not as productive furthering childhood development. This paper will conclude by addressing the need of well-developed preschool programs and the need for well-educated teachers in the preschool environment. Keywords: early childhood education, preschool, cognitive and social development Early Childhood Education: Impact on Cognitive and Social Development Preschool is a term that defines early childhood education for children ranging from ages two through four years old. Preschool programs normally consist of federally funded programs, state and local preschools, and child care facilities. Preschool enrollment has increased dramatically over the last few decades. Approximately 75% of four year olds and 50% of three year olds are enrolled in a preschool center, which is a statistically significant contrast from 10% in the 1960’s (Barnett, 2008). Not only has there been an increase of children enrolled in public preschools, but also in private preschools (Barnett, 2008). This increase may be attributed to the need for childcare as the work force shifted from a single income to dual income household or the desire to equip children with the necessary skills to help them in their educational career (Barnett & Yarosz, 2007). Winter and Kelley (2008) reported that many early childhood teachers found that nearly one-third of their students were deficient in certain areas that were sure to hinder their educational success (p. 260). There have been many studies conducted to try and define the impact of preschool on a child’s development. Researchers have studied Head Start programs across the country, the High/Scope Perry Preschool, the Child Parent Center in Chicago among others, and child care facilities. Early Childhood Education research has shown that preschool has an impact on a child’s cognitive and social development, with the greatest impact on minority and disadvantaged children. Developing Brain Most parents and educators know that a child’s brain, from birth to approximately five years of age, is exceptionally vulnerable to the learning of new skills and concepts. Winter and Kelley (2008) state that the â€Å"neural connections or ‘synapses’ develop at a phenomenal rate during this time† which aids in developing a â€Å"foundation for later skill acquisition† (p. 263). Due to the brains extreme susceptibility during the preschool years, not only do preschoolers develop cognitive skills they need, but also socio-emotional skills. Mai, Tardif, Doan, Liu, Gehring, and Luo (2011) conducted a study of positive and negative feedback in preschoolers, which showed that preschoolers are â€Å"more responsive to positive feedback than to negative feedback† (p. 5). They concluded that the importance of the amount of positive feedback was significant enough that it may stimulate preschoolers desire to learn (Mai, et al, 2011). Researchers have found that during this early period of childhood development, children are able to boost gross motor skills and acquire language (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 262). Due to the unique nature of the brain during preschool years, experiences or lack of can impede child development (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 263). In a study conducted by Burger (2012), a toddler’s working memory can positively impact a child’s behavior and has a positive influence over a child’s math and reading ability (p. 210). A young child’s brain, if stimulated inappropriately, can have an adverse impact on cognitive and social development. A child’s cognitive development is connected to their social development. Willis and Schiller (2011) propose that â€Å"positive early experiences promote optimum brain development, which impacts all areas of development (para. 1). Impact of Government Preschool Programs In 1965, the Head Start program was created in an effort to provide â€Å"an array of social, health, and educational services for young children and their families† (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 261). This program is federally funded and targets underprivileged children. Underprivileged children are more susceptible to fall behind or to not complete their education due to lack of early education intervention. There is documentation that shows that minorities and poor children struggle with â€Å"language, literacy, social, and other skills needed† (Child Trends & Center for Child Health Research, 2004; Early et al, 2007), than children who are not underprivileged (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 260). Burger (2009) reports that a majority of children from low socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to: experience grade repetition, to require additional educational assistance throughout their school career, or ultimately become high school dropouts (p. 142). Ludwig and Phillips (2007) reported the findings of an evaluation completed by Garces, Thomas, and Currie (2002) that compared siblings, either attending or not attending the Head Start Program (p.4). They wrote that the sibling that attended Head Start were 22% more likely to graduate and 19% more likely to seek higher education (p. 4). The National Impact Study (NIS) is one of the most in depth study on the Head Start program, and involves a random compilation of children enrolled in Head Start throughout the country between the ages of three and four years old (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009, p. 59). This study showed that there was minor cognitive and social growth over a nine month period. Barnett (2008) reported an increase of 0.20 standard deviations on cognitive development and a decrease of 0.05 standard deviations in negative social behavior, such as hyperactivity for three year olds (p. 6). However, upon completing a follow up on the study, the cognitive benefits gained by the children were no longer observed at the end of their kindergarten school year (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009, p. 59). Parents reported positive changes in their child’s dental and physical health and the research indicates an increase of 0.12 standard deviations (Barnett, 2008, p. 6). There was a case of four year olds that experienced greater cognitive development. This was illustrated by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, which had an increase of 0.20-0.27 standard deviations (Barnett, 2008, p.7). The Tulsa Head Start program was designed with a vision to help children develop skills for school readiness. This preschool program is funded by the state and is a part of the Tulsa Public School system; therefore, teachers must possess a Bachelor of Art degree and have a certification in early childhood education (Gormley, Phillips, & Gayer, 2008). The Tulsa Head Start program study compared the Tulsa Public School (TSP) pre-kindergarten against the Tulsa Head Start program. The study showed that the TSP pre-kindergarteners showed vast improvement in letter-word identification, spelling, and applied problems, whereas the Tulsa Head Start preschoolers’ results were deemed notable (Gormley, Phillips, & Gayer, 2008). While Head Start programs are supposed to adhere to a â€Å"national standard† (Pianta, et al, 2009), many do not have the same requirements (p. 55). Pianta and his colleagues (2009) explain that most teachers working for Head Start programs make less than $26,000 per year, with the exception of Tulsa Head Start whose teachers earn a regular teacher salary (p. 55). This may explain why the results of the Tulsa Head Start studies are not typical compared to other Head Start studies (Barnett, 2008, p. 7). Teacher qualifications of the Head Start employees may have an impact on the low levels of development observed of children in the program. Before 2011 Head Start teachers (excluding the Tulsa Head Start teachers) were not required to obtain an associate degree and directors did not have to possess a bachelor degree (Pianta, et al, 2009). However, Pianta and his colleagues (2009) report that by the year 2013, at least half of all Head Start teachers will be required to obtain a bachelor’s degree (p. 55). Because the Head Start studies were conducted in varying locations and on a variety of children, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact impact of cognitive and social development for each child. The rate of attendance also varies on location. Some Head Start programs have fewer than five days of scheduled class per week, while others attend the program five days a week during an entire school year (Pianta, et al, 2009, p. 54). Major successes of the Head Start programs appear to be achieving higher educational levels and improved health for children. The Head Start program reduced the mortality rate of children between the ages of five and nine years old (Barnett, 2008, p. 8) and provided a cognitive advantage in school achievement (Reynolds & Ou, 2011, p. 556). There were no extraordinary impacts on children’s social development throughout the Head Start studies. The program, however, has received conflicting reviews. Williams (2010) explains that because there is no orderly way to measure the effects of this program, there have been reports of positive â€Å"short-term gains in cognitive functioning† (p. 4) and the program has received criticism for only producing short term benefits (Williams, 2010, p. 4). Impact of Public Preschool Another option for children is a public preschool program. There are public preschools that function similar to the Head Start program, in which they target children from low income families. The teaching credentials of preschool teachers differ from other educators in the public school system and vary throughout different states. The requirements for public preschool teachers range from possessing a Child Development Associate (CDA) to a bachelor’s degree (Pianta, et al, 2009, p. 55). Public preschool programs tend to be successful in the area of cognitive and social development due to the increase of attention from the teacher (Barnett, 2008, p. 8). The topic of teacher quality in preschools is of a major concern and can have a direct impact on childhood development. Winter and Kelley (2008) explain that the development of a child’s social behavior correlates with the quality of the teacher (p. 263). The most significant research on public preschools stems from the High/Scope Perry Preschool study. In this study that lasted for two years, approximately 130 children, minority and underprivileged, were either enrolled in a half-day preschool or assigned to a control group (Barnett, 2008, p. 9). These participants were chosen by the following criteria: â€Å"low levels of parent education, socioeconomic status, and low intellectual performance† (Williams, 2010, p.4). The results were astounding. Barnett (2008) reported that language and basic cognitive skills increased by approximately 0.90 standard deviations (p. 9). The cognitive advantage was short-lived as children from the control group were caught up during kindergarten (Barnett, 2008, p. 9); however, Reynolds and Ou (2011) determined that there was an advantage on educational attainment (p.556). The Perry study also showed evidence of social development in later years. The students demonstrated appropriate classroom etiquette, had lower levels of delinquency, and a higher rate of commencement (Barnett, 2008, p. 9). Burger (2009) explained that the Perry study is unique in nature due to the environment of the classroom (para. 5.2). He added that preschools similar to the Perry preschool have â€Å"low child-to-staff ratios† (Burger, 2009, para. 5.2), so teachers are able to be readily available to their students. Another influential study on preschool impact is the Child Parent Center (CPC) study on a preschool in Chicago. This program was directed more for children from the ages of three to nine years old (Williams, 2010, p. 5). This preschool is tailored to low-income families that includes â€Å"a half-day preschool, kindergarten, and a follow-on elementary school component† (Barnett, 2008, p. 11). The results of all CPC studies were positive for impact on children’s cognitive development (Barnett, 2008, p. 12). The CPC study showed that participating preschoolers had higher test scores up until eighth grade, a reduction of delinquency, and observed an increase in the percentage of high school graduates (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009,p. 62). Reynolds and Ou (2011) also evaluated the CPC study and found that former students tend to have less risk of experiencing depression and generally have higher occupational stature (p. 558). The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) reports that the Abbott Preschool Program has had a tremendous effect on child development as measured in 2005 and 2006 with the Abbot Preschool Program Longitudinal Study (APPLES) (Study of Abbott, 2007). The Abbott Preschool was opened in 1999 and was put in place to serve the â€Å"highest-poverty school districts† (Study of Abbott, 2007) in the state of New Jersey (Study of Abbott, 2007). This preschool program showed positive cognitive growth in their students through their kindergarten year. The students enrolled showed significant achievements in English, reading, and mathematics (Study of Abbott, 2007). This program not only measured student progress, but also took into account the quality of the classroom. The study found a significant increase in â€Å"child learning, language and reasoning, activities and interactions, and program structure† (Study of Abbott, 2007). Other studies of public preschools provided results depicting social development and school preparedness (Barnett, 2008, p. 10). Pickens (2009) explains that public preschool programs â€Å"show a positive impact on children’s behavior outcomes, especially for children living in poverty† (Barnett, 1995; Peterson & Zill, 1986). In the preschool setting, children are exposed to other children from different backgrounds, different personalities and different ethnicities. During this time in childhood development, children begin to learn social behavior. Pickens (2009) explains that these social behaviors are influenced by their teachers and classmates (p.263). Participation in the preschool setting allows children to learn how to interact with classmates and encounter situations that can mold their cognitive development (Willis & Schiller, 2011). Attending a preschool class helps to enable a child to learn to regulate their emotions, communicate effectively with others, cooperate with others, and to follow directions (Pickens, 2009, p. 263). Children model what they see. Pickens (2009) urges educators and parents to assist children in developing healthy behaviors in an effort to avoid a negative path of behavioral and academic issues (p.264). Impact of Child Care Facilities Child care facilities can consist of home-based child care or child development centers (with some centers offering half-day preschool programs). These facilities are normally center-based and care for infants from six weeks old to three year olds (Pickens, 2009, p. 262). Child care facilities were â€Å"found to have the smallest initial effects on children’s learning and development† (Barnett, 2008), while home-based daycare had no effect on building cognitive skills (p. 5). This is not to say that all home-based daycares are not able to provide some cognitive benefit to children. If a home-based child care program is well-developed and provides a â€Å"high-quality† (Winter & Kelley, 2008), then children are more likely to benefit cognitively (p. 263). This high-quality can also make a difference in child care centers. The National Institute of Child Health (NICHD) and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD) showed that †Å"higher quality care†(Belsky, Burchinal, McCartney, Vandell, Clarke-Stewart, & Tresch Owen, 2007) had a positive impact on children’s vocabulary skills (p.681). The NICHD SECCYD conducted future evaluations and found that some effects wore off at four and a half years old, while when evaluated in third grade the children had â€Å"higher scores on standardized tests of math, memory, and vocabulary skills† (Belsky, et al, 2007). The cognitive long-term benefits of attending child care may result in an increase in household income caused by working mothers; however, working mothers tend to spend less time with their children (Barnett, 2008). Just like preschool, child care can benefit underprivileged children. Belsky et al (2007) stated that â€Å"child care can serve as an effective intervention for low-income children† (Hart & Risley, 1995) that live in a household lacking in literary skills (p.697). Barnett (2008) mentioned that some studies show an actual regression of social development as children were more prone to be aggressive (p.6). Winter and Kelley (2008) also report that the amount of time a child spends in child care has an impact of negative behaviors when they reach elementary school (p.263). Others believe that a child’s negative behavior is may correlate with the amount of time spent in day care. Pianta and his colleagues (2009) found that children who spent the least amount of hours in day care had less troublesome behavior (p. 58). Just as the quality of the Head Start and preschool teacher had an impact on the child, so does the caregiver at a child care center. The lack of academic qualifications of child care workers or lack of academically challenging curriculum can attribute to the small cognitive development observed in children who attend child care versus a more academically centered program. Meyers (2007) reports that the approximately two and a half million child care teachers are some of the lowest paid, only earning approximately $18,000 annually (para. 1). This is significantly lower than other early education teachers. The cognitive and social impacts on children are strongly related to child-to-teacher ratio, total number of children in a room, and the teacher’s qualifications (Clothier & Poppe, 2007). However, it has been noted that the amount of attention the caregiver offers to the child can have an impact on their social and cognitive development (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornbur g, 2009, p. 58). Conclusion There are noticeable short-term and long-term impacts on a child’s development, cognitively and socially, with the aid of early childhood education programs. Because the brain is vulnerable at this age it is in these years that children experience â€Å"dramatic improvements† (Mai, et al, 2011) in their cognitive and social abilities. The government funded program, Head Start, has indicated that while children do show immediate, moderate growth in cognitive development, social benefits were not as prominent. This program has proven to be beneficial to children from low- income families, as it has resulted in improved literacy, language skills and an increased rate of commencement. Preschool studies have also shown an increase in reading and mathematics ability and in some cases extending into elementary school years. The social benefits of a preschool education have had an even longer impact on a child’s future behavioral issues. There is a vast amount of research that shows that â€Å"the early years of a child’s development can influence future success† (Winter & Kelley, 2008), so federal and state â€Å"policy makers should not depart from preschool education models that have proven highly effective† (Barnett, 2008). It is important that in order for preschool programs, government-funded and public, to continue to be effective in child development, the need for well-designed programs is a must (Barnett, 2008). These well-designed programs must demand a high caliber of teachers that have formal post-secondary education in the area of early childhood development. Preschools should be prepared meet the needs of the variety of students from different backgrounds and be able to give children in need more of a priority (Barnett, 2008). More research on the impact of early childhood education is needed, due to the varying types of programs that are currently in place. References Barnett, W. S. (2008). Preschool education and its lasting effects: Research and policy implications. Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from Barnett, W. S., & Yarosz, D. J. (2007). Who goes to preschool and why does it matter? Preschool Policy Brief, 15, p. 2. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from Belsky, J., Vandell, D.L., Burchinal, M., Clarke-Stewart, K.A., McCartney, K., Owen, M.T., & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2007). Are there long-term effects of early child care? Child Development, 78, p. 681–701. Burger, K. (2010). How does early childhood care and education affect cognitive development? An international review of the effects of early interventions for children from different social backgrounds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 25, 140-165. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2009.11.001 Gormley, W. T., Phillips, D., & Gayer, T. (2008). The early years: Preschool programs can boost school readiness. Science. 320(5884), p. 1723-1724. doi:10.1126/science. 1156019 Ludwig, J., & Phillips, D. (2007). The benefits and cost of head start. Society for Research on Child Development, Social Policy Report. 21(3), p. 3-19 Mai, X., Tardif, T., Doan, S. N., Lui, C., Gehring, W. J., & Luo, Y. (2011). Brain activity elicited by positive and negative feedback in preschool-aged children. PLoS ONE. 6(4), e18774. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018774 Meyers, M. K. (2007). Child-care pay, child-care quality: Decent early childhood education requires well-trained and compensated educators. The American Prospect 18(12), A18. Pianta, R. C., Barnett, S. W., Burchinal, M., Thornburg, K. R. (2009). The effects of preschool education: What we know, how public policy is or is not aligned with the evidence base, and what we need to know. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 10(2), p. 49-88. doi: 10.1177/1529100610381908 Pickens, J. (2009). Socio-emotional programme promotes positive behaviour in preschoolers. Child Care in Practice. 15(4), p. 261-278. doi: 10.1080/13575270903149323 Reynolds, A. J., & Ou, S. (2011). Paths of effects from preschool to adult well-being: A confirmatory analysis of the child-parent center program. Child Development. 82(2). p. 555-582. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01562.x Study of abbott preschool program finds positive effects. (2007, August/September). Preschool Matters. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from Williams, J. (2010). Assessment of quality preschool programming (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved September 28, 2012 from ProQuest. (UMI:3413253) Willis, C. A., & Schiller, P. (2011). Preschoolers’ social skills steer life success. YC Young Children, 66(1), 42-49. Retrieved September 24, 2012 from Winter, S. M., & Kelley, M. F. (2008). Forty years of school readiness research. Childhood Education, 84(5), 260-260. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Comparing Two Primary Source Articles Essay

Female Genital Mutilation Comparing Two Primary Source Articles - Essay Example The two articles; "Wanjiku: Life of A Traditional Woman" by Jean Davison and "National Bodies, Unspeakable Acts: The Sexual Politics of Colonial Policy Making" by Susan Pedersen have given great insight into the myriad aspects of the custom and the controversy surrounding it. Indeed, both the articles have made it clear that female circumcision had not only cultural significance but the political connotations of the issue had superseded its relevance or non relevance in Kenya, especially in the early and mid twentieth century. It was the time when female circumcision was an intrinsic part of socio-cultural dynamics of Kenya which had become synonymous with the identity of Kikuyu. As can be adjudged by Wanjiku's narration, the inhabitants were deeply rooted in the way of life the "Gikuyu" (i.e the cultural community) proposed. A very strong joint family structure was prevalent and their entire life was concentrated within their circles. Having said so, the custom of Irua which could be a barbaric vestige to our perception was as natural for them as a harvesting season festival or a wedding. The Irua was a custom of central significance to the Kikuyu life. The public ceremony marked a new phase in the life of women, it bonded those who were "initiated" very strongy and established a hierarchical structure in the community. Sir Grigg observed in one his letters to Sidney Webb at the Colonial Office," This faction, through its ill-advised attitude, done more than anything else to delay the emancipation of Kikuyu womanhood".1 Though there was some element of truth to this statement, I believe it is important to target the heart of the matter itself. What led to Irua or Clitoridectomy to occupy such an important position in the life of Kikuyu members in the first place What is the heart of the matter The real trigger As described in Pedersen's text, Historians have sidelined in detail how the estrangement and settlement of white population pockets," the establishment of adjoining "native reserves," the construction of a system of "tribal" authority often at odds with earlier political structures, and the deliberate use of taxation and legislation to restrict Africans' freedom to grow cash crops and to coerce them into wage labor left many Kikuyu with little of their "traditional" life, except perhaps the still-powerful rituals of clitoridectomy and male circumcision." 2 Not surprisingly, Irua became synonymous with Kikuyu pride and thus gained momentum as a tradition that signified national pride. The many sides of the coin The nationalist sentiments on the basis of this custom were fanned as the custom was not allowed to remain confined to the community. It soon catapulted into the pivot around which colonial and nationalist arguments and revolutions were based. While on one

Friday, September 27, 2019

Methods of Integration as Leadership Tools Assignment

Methods of Integration as Leadership Tools - Assignment Example According to the paper findings, it can, therefore, be said that there are three types of integration namely: forward/downstream vertical integration, backward/upstream vertical integration, and balanced vertical integration which incorporates upstream and downstream integration. Vertical integration is a situation whereby a company dominates a market by controlling the steps in the production. This is usually from the initial stage of extraction of raw materials, the manufacturing process to the sale of the final product. Vertical integration is best conceptualized through the use of the value chain. For instance; an assembly company may practice backward integration by venturing into manufacturing or forward integration by venturing into distribution. Vertical integration implies that there is a proper communication channel that links the whole corporation with the headquarters. This ensures that each subsidiary can be constantly monitored to enhance efficiency. Vertical integratio n is often seen as a way to exercise effective leadership and proper control in a company. It enables the company to significantly reduce the uncertainties that are usually encountered with the supply chain. Upstream (backward) vertical integration is exhibited when a company has control over subsidiaries that produce inputs used to produce its products. For example, a steel company that owns steel mines where the ore is extracted, coal mines to supply coal and the railroads to transport the raw materials to the factory may be said to practice backward integration. Downstream (forward) vertical integration is exhibited when a company controls the distribution centers and retail outlets where its products are sold. Taking an example of McDonald’s, forward integration would be by way of owning multiple distribution centers and fast food retail outlets.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Leadership & Management Essay

Contemporary Issues in Leadership & Management - Essay Example in Newcastle England with a student population of over 40,000 students and over 6000 students being full time students while the rest are part- time students. The students come from all over the world with over 40 different nationalities. It’s based next to the train station, metro station and the international airport thus making it easily accessible. The mission statement of the institution aims at meeting the educational needs of the students, providing quality education, value and appreciates the diversity of its community, provide modern resources. It also involves valuing their students and members of staff while securing a future for the institution through growth and development. They offer various courses in different professions such as film studies, business studies, accounting, information technology, economics, English and literature, government, history, journalism, politics and physics. The college has an ultra modern lifestyle academy worth over 16 million pounds with a sports, tourism and beauty centre. It has an excellent restaurant facility, a gym and also a salon for students to relax and rejuvenate after a long and tiresome day. The salon is located at the top most floor of the building with excellent facilities for hair treatment, hair cuts and a nail bar and the services are available at affordable prices. They also have cardiovascular equipment, training machines, a fitness studio and they offer various classes in yoga, Pilates and different kinds of exercises to allow the students to keep fit. While at the Spa, students can enjoy Jaccuzi, relaxation beds, steam baths and a whirlpool .They also boast of the finest restaurant with great menus to enjoy. At the performance academy, they have a theatre that allows all the students to relax. It has a recording studio, a radio station, dancing studio, media production facilities, and performance theatres.The Mandela building has offered the Art and design students an opportunity to express

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Business Strategy - Essay Example Earth Plc needs to focus more to the expectations of their most prominent stakeholders and to the processes in which its culture influences the type of strategy it adopts (Abele, 2008). Principal stakeholder analysis Identification of the interests of the different stakeholders Fisk (2008) emphasized there are different stakeholders in Earth Plc. The customers are interested in the financial statements of Earth Plc in order to determine if the company will stay open during the times when the customers will be buying their much-needed mining needs. The employees of Earth Plc are needed the company’s financial statements in order to determine if it is ripe to ask for salary and other wage benefit increases. A set of financial statements that indicates a loss trend will indicate that there is high probability the company will close shop in the foreseeable future. In this case, a majority of the employees will be forced to find employment in other greener pastures (other companies ). The managers are interested to get a copy of the financial statements in order to know if they have performed their duties and responsibilities in accordance with preset benchmarks. Basically, managers are given a profit benchmark. Here, the financial statements that indicate a loss is equivalent to a failing grade; financial statements that show a net profit is equivalent to a passing grade. The suppliers are very interested to get a copy of the company’s financial statements to determine if the company will stay long enough to buy their goods and services. Financial statements indicating a net loss would prod the supplier to seek other clients to replace Earth Plc because there is a strong indication the company will close shop in the near future. The creditors are interested to get a copy of the financial statements of the Earth Plc. The creditors will use the financial statements as a ground for granting or approving the company’s credit limit. A financial state ment that indicates a net profit will encourage the creditors to immediately approve the company’s credit limit application. On the other hand, a financial statement that indicates a net loss will show that the company may not be able to pay their maturing debts on time due to lack of available cash on hand. The labor union is interested to get a copy of the financial statements in order to determine if the company is able to grant salary and other wage benefit increases. The net profit will indicate that the company will not be able to stay long enough to grant the salary increases. In this case, the labor unions will allow the postponement of the salary and other wage benefit increases. The environmental protection agencies are interested to grab a copy of the company’s financial statements the agencies are interested to know if the company is complying all environmental protection statutes. The financial statements generally indicate if Earth Plc is regularly dumpin g its mining wastes into the crystal clear waters of the nearby river. The environmental protection agencies will not hesitate to penalize companies, especially Earth Plc, that do not use high smoke stacks to let polluting smoke be release at a level that is higher than the height of the average person; this will lessen the people from inhaling the hazardous exhaust smoke used to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency Research Paper

Emergency Management (How has modern technology improved emergency response capabilities and how will this technology impact or improve future emergency response operations) - Research Paper Example The software development process is focused on developing methods to generate high resolution fused data studies to create three-dimensional product view among other features for correct forecasting, generating accurate weather alerts, which is just one of the various features of software development. The future promises new technological improvements on emergency communication in the times of disaster. Technological advancements also offer new challenges to apply new innovations in the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) programs. The ongoing communication programs need to be revised for assimilating future additions of modern technology. Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) has always played a leading part in the overall security of the nation’s 18 important infrastructure divisions under Homeland Security President Directive-7 (HSPD-7). CS&C is behind all the government communications programs related to priority services such as GETS, which is a White House initiated emergency telecommunications service, offering communications support to all government and non-government missions Emergencies are not a new phenomenon in the contemporary as well as the previous world. Everyone existing in any part of world has experienced, witnessed or heard of these detrimental phenomenona. Emergencies result due to uncertain disasters that threaten to ruin lives of human beings. Emergencies are never desired or planed by human beings, but occur unfortunately. Even if human beings do not plan or desire emergencies, they sometimes by mistake contribute to the occurrence of the demise within their respective societies. Emergencies due to human mistakes results from wars either civil or political, environmental pollution and setting of impractical policies destined at bettering security and food safety. Natural emergencies occur due to uncontrolled natural calamities like earthquakes, storms,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wal-Mart is the Low-Price Leader Research Paper - 1

Wal-Mart is the Low-Price Leader - Research Paper Example According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011), the average unemployment rate across the United States remained steady for February and March 2011 at an estimated 8.8%. Thus, while working for a company like Wal-Mart may not be ideal, it may be one of the few forms of employment that many Americans are able to secure under the current economic circumstances facing the country today (Glasmeier, 2006). Unfortunately, the retailer is taking obvious advantage of the desperation of customers and employees. In remaining a major force in the retail industry, gaining power through the economic crisis on multiple levels, the actual costs behind its low prices are definitely not a part of the organization’s publicized marketing strategy (MSNBC, 2005). However, there has been a great deal of research presenting information suggesting the low prices come at very high costs, not only to the employees but by extension the customers, through poor customer service and an overall negative shopping experience (Glasmeier, 2006). Unless changes are made to the way employees are treated, and protections are allowed—even if they do not come in the form of unions—these employees will only continue to grow more and more disgruntled to the point where customers are turned off by the overall experience and even those who may not be able to afford it, will go elsewhere. These customers do not need to be made to feel bad about their shopping experience, Wal-Mart has an opportunity that they are failing to realize. At this point, they have a massive market share, which will most likely return to what it was prior to the 2008 economic collapse, in the next couple of years when the economy bounces back from its brief devastation; based on historical data (Microsoft, 2011). However, without implementing a training program that drives customer loyalty through employee satisfaction, Wal-Mart has the potential to lose their significant gain, to competitors like Target, when unemployment rates are down and the economy is booming once again (Microsoft, 2011).     

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflection paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection paper - Movie Review Example There are many features of the film that captured my imagination. The short film was very well made, with different departments such as direction, screenplay, acting and cinematography all supporting and complementing each other. The real stalwart of the movie (as well as in real-life) is Nick Vujicic, who transforms himself from being ‘a perversion of nature’, ‘a creature given up by God’, etc to an extraordinary circus performer, an overachiever. As his mentor, the owner of Butterfly Circus correctly points out, much of Nick’s predicament and diminished sense of self is of his own making. Admonishing Nick for his passive acceptance of fate, the mentor (played by Eduardo Verà ¡stegui) urges Nick to achieve something like other circus performers. Even when Nick falls down as he tries to cross over the river, the mentor allows him to ‘manage’ on his own. Apathetic and cruel as it might seem, Verastegui knew what he was doing – name ly cultivating self-sufficiency in Nick. Just as Verastegui intended, this attitude leads to a breakthrough event, when Nick falls into the water, and in a desperate attempt to keep afloat, discovers that he can swim. As a teacher of special needs children, I can play this film to my students and inspire them to make maximum use of their lives. In addition to the film, I would also play motivational talks given by Nick Vujicic to my students, for the film is only a representation of his own real struggles. The film has also taught me the role of mentorship in uplifting disabled children. For example, the kind of encouragement that a child is received has profound implications for the way it integrates into the mainstream society. Usually, a child from one of the minority communities has to overcome more challenges. The minority status may be as a result of disability, ethnicity, language, race or

Saturday, September 21, 2019

JPMorgan Chase Essay Example for Free

JPMorgan Chase Essay JPMorgan Chase is one of the oldest and most respected banks in the United States. However, during the summer of 2012 Chase announced trading losses and bad investment decisions that resulted in a loss of approximately $5.8 billion. Not only did they report this substantial loss they admitted to falsifying their first quarter reports, were they where attempting to conceal the massive loss. Three months prior to this event JPMorgan Chase was viewed as the top American bank. The first question to be discussed in this paper will be what actions can Administrative Agencies such the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and or the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) take to prevent high risk gambles in securities/banking which are one of the main cornerstones of this country’s economy. According to the SEC, their â€Å"main mission is to protect investors, to maintain fair, orderly, efficient markets and facilitate capital formation† ( One of the ways that SEC does this is by requiring public companies to disclose meaningful financial information to the public to help the public decide which companies will be the best to invest in. In response to the JPMorgan Chase revelation SEC Chairperson Mary Shapiro told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"her agency’s investigation is limited, because the trades happened in divisions of the banking giant that are not subject to SEC regulation†. She also stated that â€Å"we (the SEC) did not have any direct oversight or knowledge of the transactions†. In addition to the above statements Ms. Shapiro stated that â€Å"the SEC’s investigation would target the appropriateness and completeness of the entity’s (JPMorgan Chase) financial reporting and other public disclosure s† (Liberto, 2012). Next I will discuss the Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) main purpose as well as some of its other responsibilities. The Commodity and Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC)  main purpose is to regulate commodity futures and options markets. Its goals include the promotion of competitive and efficient futures markets and the protection of investors against manipulation, abusive trade practices and fraud ( Gary Gensler, chairman of the CFTC told the Senate Banking Committee that â€Å"he couldn’t provide specific information about the investigation, but he did say that he first learned about the questionable trades from press reports. He also stated that the CFTC does not have regulators on the ground to look at bank trades yet. Chairman Gensler also told the Banking Committee that currently, the American public is not protected in that way (e.g. having regulators looking at the trades as they happen) (Liberto, 2012). Regulators have been struggling for months trying to figure out who should be included in a new crackdown on swaps and derivatives. Swaps and derivatives are complex financial bets derived from other financial products. Gensler made it clear that once the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reforms are fully implemented it will be illegal for JPMorgan Chase to make the kinds of trades that resulted in the $5.8 billion loss. He also clarified that Dodd-Frank allows for trades made to hedge against â€Å"individual and aggregate positions† – not to guard against future economic losses, as the JPMorgan trades have been described (Liberto, 2012). Next I will cover the elements of a valid contract, as well as discuss how consumers and banks each have a duty of god faith and fair dealing in the banking relationship â€Å"A contract is a legally enforceable promise or set of promises. If the promise is broken, the person to whom the promise was mad – the promise – has certain legal rights against the person who made the promise – the promisor† (Bagley, 2012). There are 4 basic elements to a contract and they are: 1) offer and acceptance, 2) consideration, 3) both parties must have the capacity to enter into a contract, 4) the contract must have a legal purpose. â€Å"The offer is a manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain that justifies another person in understanding that his or her assent will conclude the bargain† (Bagley, 2012). Acceptance indicates the receiving person’s willingness to enter into the agreement proposed in the offer (Bagley, 2012). Consideration is something of value that is provided by both parties (Bagley, 2012). Lastly, a valid contract requires that both parties have the capacity to enter into the agreement (Bagley, 2012. Next I will discuss the duty of god faith and fair dealing  in the consumer/banking relationship. Prior to 1929, Massachusetts expressly provided that good faith was applicable to all contracts. In 1929, the Supreme Judicial Court, in addressing a breach of contract claim under an option agreement for the purchase of stock in an oil-producing leasehold, expressly stated, for the first time, that there was an obligation of good faith and fair dealing in all contracts. The court emphasized that a business contract â€Å"is to be interpreted as a business transaction entered into by practical men to accomplish an honest and straightforward end†. Beginning in 1936, the duty of good faith was defined as a covenant â€Å"that neither party shall do anything which will have the effect of destroying or injuring the right of the other party to receive the fruits of the contract†. This â€Å"fruits† articulation of the duty of good faith remains intact today and is regularly quoted as the operative standard (Weigand, 2013). The next topic is to compare and contrast the differences between intentional and negligent tort actions. There are several types of intentional torts and they are: torts against persons, intentional torts that involve personal property, and intentional torts with regard to economic interest and business relationships. There are also several types of negligent torts. Two of which are: duty to rescue and duty to invitees. Intentional torts against consist of battery, assault, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, and invasion of privacy. The key word in all of these intentional torts is intent or purpose to cause harm to another. Intentional torts against property include trespass of land, nuisance, conversion, and trespass to personal property. Intent and purpose are also why these are considered intentional. The key difference between these two torts is that one is against people and the other is a misuse of another’s property. An individual has to purpose commit these acts. Negligent torts consist of different types of duties. Duty is when a person with a legal duty to another is required to act, reasonably, under the circumstances to avoid harming the other person. Some examples of this are duty to rescue and duty to invitees. Duties are basically an obligation that one person is legally bound to perform for another. In comparing the two types of torts we find that intentional torts are torts that people commit against other people. Negligence also others but it is a failure to perform that causes the injury or unjust action. An  example of this comparison is the intentional tort of battery and failure to perform the duty to rescue. When I commit battery I cause harm to another, when I fail to perform the duty to rescue the other individual also suffers harm but it is because I failed to act. In contrast intentional torts are actions committed against another and negligence is when I fail to take action on another. Next I will discuss the tort action of â€Å"interference with contractual relations and participating in a breach of fiduciary duty†. Interference with contractual relations protects the right to enjoy the benefits of legal ly binding agreements. It provides a remedy when the defendant intentionally induces another person to breach a contract with a plaintiff. Interference with contractual relations requires intent to interfere. The existence of a contract is the difference between tortuous interference and the more difficult to prove tortuous interference with prospective contractual relations. The most famous case of tortuous interference was Pennzoil v Texaco which occurred in 1983 (Bagley, 2013). Similarly a defendant who knowingly participates in, or induces a breach of fiduciary duty by another commits the tort of participation in a breach of fiduciary duty. Lastly, I believe that if god grounds exist for the interference, such as exists in the JPMorgan Chase case then I should be able to prevail in the tort action. Lastly, I will cover how banks protect the software that allows for online transactions. Most banks protect the customers who participate in online transactions through what is called the Online Banking Guarantee. This protection covers your banking and personal information. It is the banks responsibility to ensure the customers protection while the customer engages in online transactions. In most if not all case the customer is 100% covered in the case of theft of funds. One of main defenses for software protection is through complex encryption systems. Another deterrent is simply the vast amount of software that is available for online banking. So between the wide array of software and encryption systems online banking transaction are relatively safe. In this paper I have covered several topics and they are as follows: What actions Administrative Agency’s take to be effective in preventing high-risk gambles in securities and banking, the elements of a valid contract and the duty of good faith and fair dealing between banks and consumers, comparing and contrasting intentional and negligent torts, the tort action of  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Interference with contractual relations and participating in a breach of fiduciary duty, and lastly, how banks protect the software that they use for online banking. References Bagley, C. (2013). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century, 7th Edition. Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Liberto, J. (2012) CNN Money. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2013, from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Weigand, T. (2013) . The Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealng in Commercial Contracts in Massachusetts, Massachusetts Law Review. Retrieved 10Sep13

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mass Media Always A Powerful Tool Media Essay

Mass Media Always A Powerful Tool Media Essay Introduction From the past until today, mass media is always a powerful tool and having a big influence among the peoples. No one can assert that mass media was bring zero effect to the peoples. On the 18th century, the first theory about mass media theory was being introduced. The theory is about how strong the media can directly influence the people perception and action. Over the years, there are many theories are being introduced. Mass media theories are commonly used at the age of propaganda and one of the most successful propaganda is Nazis propaganda during World War 1. Propaganda is to influence public opinion through the use of media. Nazi Propaganda was generated in many different forms of media such as radio, cinema, speeches, visuals, events, brochures and etc. Besides that, there are also many famous mass media theory being introduced like magic bullet theory, freudianism, behaviorism and etc. There are a lot of arguments about the mass media theories from the past until today. Some philosopher disputes that media are bringing negative influence to the public, and they claim that media should be under control. However, there are also some theories explain that it brings positive effect such as libertarianism theory says that people are good and rational. So that, they support the media should have the freedom to report on everything and let the public to judge by themselves. Although there many debates about the usage of mass media, but no one can deny or underestimate the power of mass media. Mass media play as an important tool in nowadays, and there are no advanced countries banned the media. In fact, this means that every advanced country also rely on the media to communicate with their citizen. Media work as a tools for government to spread the news and promote their latest policy to the public. The mainstream media in Malaysia has always been perceived as an important agent of change for most of the governments policies. The mainstream media are newspaper, television station and radio station. The mainstream media are used to encourage the acceptance of the concept by the citizens of Malaysia. On 16 September 2010, Malaysia the sixth Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was introducing 1Malaysia concept to all corners of the nation. The concept is about the culture of excellence, perseverance, acceptance, education, integrity, meritocracy, humility and loyalty. One of the main objectives of this concept is unity and integration. 1Malaysia aims to improve the relations among Malaysians, regardless of racial, religious or cultural backgrounds. As we know, Malaysia is a multi-racial country and the three main races of Malaysia are Malay, Chinese and Indian. Besides that, Malaysia also forms by several minority races such as Baba-Nyonya, Kadazan, Ibans, Eurasian, Orang Asli and etc. The concept of 1Malaysia is to achieve all races living together hand-in-hand in harmony. In addition, 1Malaysia is also the concept to achieve the goal of Vision 2020 which introduced by Malaysia 4th prime minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammad. Vision 2020 is about evolution Malaysia to a fully develop country in the year 2020. 1Malaysia concept aims to strengthen unity, rejuvenate the spirit of unity and camaraderie among people of Malaysia. The current prime minister said the concept would be implementing in a systematic and organized manner to ensure that no community was isolated from development of and kind. He said the concept was shored up by two main principles, which were mutual respect for one another and trust in one another. When we have respect for one another, it means we have the open attitude of appreciating the concept of unity in diversity. The trust for one another will not come about all of a sudden. It has to be developed in an organized and determined way. he said. To achieve development for the country, the people must have a positive attitude of acceptance among the different races that will lead to unity. In short, the concept is to improve race relations in Malaysia and the mainstream media play as a key in order to achieve the goals. Propaganda Propaganda aimed to changing the attitude of a group toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually dispersed and repeated through the several of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political or religious agenda. Moreover, propaganda also can be used as political warfare. One of the most successful propaganda is Nazis propaganda during World War 1. The propaganda being use after Hitler took power in 1933 Richard Alan Nelson define that propaganda is a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the attitudes, opinions, emotions, and actions of specified target audiences for political, ideological or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided message via mass and direct media channels. A propaganda organization employs propagandists who engage in propagandism to apply the creation and distribution of such forms of persuasion. By focusing on the 1Malaysia concept, the theory was been used commonly in Malaysia. The people can always get in touch with 1Malaysia concept in Malaysia. The government is always propagandizing the 1Malaysia concept to Malaysians. Common media for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, historical revision, government reports, books, movies, radio, television, posters and etc. For example, we can always see the poster that Najib with the 1Malaysia significant pose and the significant pose was been recognized by the Malaysians. Other than that, Malaysian also can find out 1Malaysias logo everywhere. Moreover, 1Malaysia is also come out with a theme song, and the lyric is kita satu bangsa, satu negara, kita satu Malaysia and it means we are one nation, one country and one Malaysia. This all action is also trying to influence the public opinion through the use of media. They want people to remember the 1Malaysia concept and they remind people every day and want people to change their attitudes. Political Economy Theory Political economy theorists study elite control of economic institutions, such as banks and stock markets, and then try to show how this control affects many others social institutions, including the mass media. Political economy is the interplay between economics, law and politics and how institutions develop in different social and economic systems. It also says that to understand the media, ones must look at the whole picture which includes the ownership of media and the control group of media. In Malaysia, the elite will be the government and most of the mainstream media are privatization but all the media are related to the government and political party. In fact, Fleet Holding, a company which is under the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) has the 80% share of the News Straits Times Press and majority share in Utusan Melayu Press. These two presses are also producing the newspapers which have the largest readership in Malaysia. Moreover, the company also owns the share of 40% of Malaysia television station, TV3. In the other hand, Huaren holding Sdn. Bhd which link to Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) have the share 58% of the other Malaysia English paper, TheStar Newspaper. From this we can found out that the Malaysia mainstream media have a close relationship with the political parties. It was easy to reach a large audience by promoting 1Malaysia concept. The government or political party can show the benefits of the concept bring at the newspaper. People are more tend to believe what the newspapers carry. For example, 175 1Malaysia clinics by year end are reported on the TheStar newspaper on September 15, 2012. In fact, when the newspapers always carry the positive news of 1Malaysia concept, it helps to gain supports from Malaysia citizens. Authoritarianism Authoritarian theory defined that all forms of communications are fully under the control by the government. Authoritarians are necessary to control the media to protect and prevent the people from the national threats through any form communication. As we know, Malaysia is an authoritarian country and all the media are fully control by the government. Basically, the government has all rights to permit any media and control them through the licensing. If the government found out that any media had violated the government policies against the license, then the government has the power to cancel their license and revoke it. In fact, Malaysia also comes out with a law which is Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984. This is use to control the usage of printing presses in Malaysia. Under the law, all printing presses require a license granted by the Home Affair Minister and require to renewing the license. Besides that, Malaysia government also makes certain censorship. Censorship is a suppression of any communication which may consider as harmful to the king, the government, the citizen and the country. The censorship helps to protect and prevent the rulers and authorities from the sensitive issues. It used to protect the government to avoid been criticize by the media. The government has all right to restrict any sensitive issues from the press to maintain the peaceful and security of the country. This was a powerful ability for the government and it helps to promote the 1Malaysia concept. Agenda Setting Theory The idea of agenda setting began in 1922 with Walter Lippmanns Public Opinion book. The originally suggested that the media sets the public agenda, in the sense that they may not exactly tell you what to think, but they may tell you what to think about. The three consequences of agenda setting effects are forming opinions, priming opinions through an emphasis on particular issues and shaping an opinion through an emphasis on particular attributes. First, it studied by the researchers, media use issues to influence the people what they should think about. And then media focus on the characters of issues how people should think about. The agenda setting theory are commonly used by the politician. The gatekeeper plays as an important role in this theory and usually the media is the one who play as a gatekeeper. Gatekeeper controls over the selection of content discussed in the media. The media only show you what they comprehend as an important issue. Due to the Malaysia was an authoritarian country and the media are fully control by the government, the government can use the media to publicize the 1Malaysia concept. When the media publicize the 1Malaysia concept and it will become agenda setting theory. The media will indirectly tell the public what they have to discuss and what they have to focus. When the issue becomes a discussion among the Malaysians, it will strengthen the acceptance of the concept by the citizens. Marxist Theory Central to Marxist theory is an explanation of social change in terms of economic factors, according to which the means of production provide the economic base which influences or determines the political and ideological superstructure. Marxism encompasses an economic theory, a sociological theory, a philosophical method and a revolutionary view of social change. Marx argued that the hierarchical class system was at the root of all social problems and must be ended by a revolution of the workers. He believed that elites dominated society primarily through their direct control over the means of production, the base, or substructure, of society. But elites also maintained themselves in power through their control over culture. The inequalities between social classes are still happening in today society. For example, the riots happened in Malaysia on 13 May 1969 was an important incident in Malaysia history. The incident make the government emphasizes on the economy balance between the races and it come out with a policy which is New Economic Policy. Although this incident happen many years ago, but the problem of social classes are still remain in Malaysia today. The government member and royal family of Malaysia are call as the aristocrat in Marxist theory. In order for the government to maintain their status quo, the elite own the capitalism with their base. For example, Malaysias second privatize TV station Metrovision, the four share holder company was closely related to UMNO. The companies are City television Sdn.Bhd, Melewar Corporation, Utusan Melayu and Medanmas Sdn. Bhd. 1Malaysia concept aims to improve the citizens living standard to escape from poverty. In fact, the government is the one who control of the superstructure which are the media. 1Malaysia concept is also helps the government to maintain their status and their power. The government wants to maintain their status and also achieve the peaceful among citizen or bourgeoisie and proletariat in Marxist theory. 1 Malaysia concept is the best way to achieve the goal for the benefit of country or benefit of the elite through the ownership of mainstream media and control of the message production-ideology. Conclusion In conclusion, the media was always a powerful tool from past to now. In 21th century, media are becoming more powerful in this digital era, because people nowadays cant avoid getting in touch with media. Media was able to directly and also indirectly influence the people. So, the government should always use the media in a correct way. In fact, the mainstream media in Malaysia has always been perceived as an important agent of change for most of the governments policies. Malaysia government was able to make full use of the media and skillfully use the media to promote the 1Malaysia concept. In short, government make good use of media is one of the key to lead our country evolve to an advanced country to achieve the vision 2020 and also the 1Malaysia concept.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

America Must Conserve Energy :: Gas Crisis Shortage

Whle researching for this essay, something shocked me. A quote from the American Petroleum Institute saying, â€Å"A country that runs on oil can’t run short† really caught my attention. We need to conserve our fossil fuels and natural oils or find alternative sources of energy because if we do not we will completely deplete the resources we have now and be left with nothing. To get energy, the United States uses many different resources, the majority (88%), however comes from the fossil fuels of crude oil (41%), natural gas (24%) and coal (23%). Today in the US, 2.5 million tons of coal are used a day mostly for utilities (86%), 17 million gallons of petroleum are used a day mostly for transportation (63%), and 50 billion cubic ft of natural gas is used a day mostly in industry (40%) and commercial and residential (40%). (Lecture 121 ppt) These numbers are very high and something needs to be done. There are many things that we can individually do on our own to lower these numbers. Since cars use lots of petroleum, one thing we can do is lessen the amount of time and distance we drive. We can make more carpools, walk whenever possible and use public transportation. Also our utilities use a big chunk of our fossil fuels. One way to lesson the amount we use is to be conservative in our utilities use. We cannot stop using our utilities; however, we can use prudence and not go over board in out use. (Source 3) One way to conserve fossil fuels being looked at today is the use of an engine that uses an energy source such as eclectic. â€Å"In the future, alternative fuel powered vehicles will be predominant, but now, it is not possible to use them realistically. They are not ready for production and have no supporting infrastructure.† (Source 2) There for, many car companies are experimenting with other ways to make their engines more efficient. Many discoveries have recently taken place that enable cars to run on less fuel without sacrificing performance.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Influence of British/Celtic Myths and Figures in Haydn Middletons Lie of the Land :: Middleton Lie of the Land Essays

The Influence of British/Celtic Myths and Figures in Haydn Middleton's Lie of the Land The following is a list of explications pointing towards British and Celtic myths and figures. While pursuing the Celtic influences of Middleton's novel, I found myself searching for the meaning of other present mysteries. This author's twist of two cultures creates a spectrum for possible explication. It seems that the Celtic material melds into British society throughout this novel. In search of specific markers I found myself concentrating mostly on Haydn Middleton's use of names. Textual Explications: 1. First of all it is necessary to work with the cover pictures inside of the novel which exhibit Blake's "Dance of Albion" or "Glad Day." This art work is important because Blake, in his literary work, "personified Albion as a giant." Following the physical descriptions of David Nennius in the book, one grasps a mental picture of a large and giant like man. An early description of him found on page 15 connects him to the image of Albion. (15) "I'm large aren't I?" he said as he came to rest. "Six eight and a half in my stockinged feet." ( 2. Next of course is the reference to Albion itself. Albion is visible through Blake but also through David's story. On page 99, Emrys tells Nennius a story which confirms the name of Britain. Albion is described as "the primal archetype of the Celtic world." This name is a symbol for "all that flowed into creation of the unique and magnificent wonder known as the Celtic spirit. - The Otherworld (Albion) did not have historical foundation, but the historical world (the Britons of old called their island Alba) had an Otherworldly foundation." ( 3. Another important "mention" is Brutus. Nennius speaks of Brutus' conquests to Quinn on page 41. Brutus is said to have "founded a second Troy- Troia Nova (Trinovantum) on the banks of the Thames" where he "defeated an army of giants and chained their leaders, Gog and Magog, to be his porters." Basically Brutus is the crude Abraham or Moses of the Britons as far as ancestry is concerned. It is also important to quote that Brutus is the "great-grandson of Aeneas," who killed his dear father. 4. As long as I am examining names I must make a note on "Nennius." On page 77 of the book, Mary Machin (David's mother) buys a wedding ring and renames herself Mary Nennius after reading about Historia Brittonum. The Influence of British/Celtic Myths and Figures in Haydn Middleton's Lie of the Land :: Middleton Lie of the Land Essays The Influence of British/Celtic Myths and Figures in Haydn Middleton's Lie of the Land The following is a list of explications pointing towards British and Celtic myths and figures. While pursuing the Celtic influences of Middleton's novel, I found myself searching for the meaning of other present mysteries. This author's twist of two cultures creates a spectrum for possible explication. It seems that the Celtic material melds into British society throughout this novel. In search of specific markers I found myself concentrating mostly on Haydn Middleton's use of names. Textual Explications: 1. First of all it is necessary to work with the cover pictures inside of the novel which exhibit Blake's "Dance of Albion" or "Glad Day." This art work is important because Blake, in his literary work, "personified Albion as a giant." Following the physical descriptions of David Nennius in the book, one grasps a mental picture of a large and giant like man. An early description of him found on page 15 connects him to the image of Albion. (15) "I'm large aren't I?" he said as he came to rest. "Six eight and a half in my stockinged feet." ( 2. Next of course is the reference to Albion itself. Albion is visible through Blake but also through David's story. On page 99, Emrys tells Nennius a story which confirms the name of Britain. Albion is described as "the primal archetype of the Celtic world." This name is a symbol for "all that flowed into creation of the unique and magnificent wonder known as the Celtic spirit. - The Otherworld (Albion) did not have historical foundation, but the historical world (the Britons of old called their island Alba) had an Otherworldly foundation." ( 3. Another important "mention" is Brutus. Nennius speaks of Brutus' conquests to Quinn on page 41. Brutus is said to have "founded a second Troy- Troia Nova (Trinovantum) on the banks of the Thames" where he "defeated an army of giants and chained their leaders, Gog and Magog, to be his porters." Basically Brutus is the crude Abraham or Moses of the Britons as far as ancestry is concerned. It is also important to quote that Brutus is the "great-grandson of Aeneas," who killed his dear father. 4. As long as I am examining names I must make a note on "Nennius." On page 77 of the book, Mary Machin (David's mother) buys a wedding ring and renames herself Mary Nennius after reading about Historia Brittonum.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparing Coleridge and Wordsworths Views on Peoples Relationship to

Comparing Coleridge and Wordsworth's Views on People's Relationship to Nature Although Wordsworth and Coleridge are both romantic poets, they describe nature in different ways. Coleridge underlines the tragic, supernatural and sublime aspect of nature, while Wordsworth uses anecdotes of everyday life and underlines the serene aspect of nature. In order to imply a connection between nature and the human mind, Wordsworth uses the technique of identification and comparison whereas Coleridge does the opposite in 'The Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'. Both admire nature's healing strength and hope that their children will grow up in a natural environment instead of growing up in cities. For Wordsworth nature seems to sympathise with the love and suffering of the persona. The landscape is seen as an interior presence rather than an external scene. His idea is that emotions are reflected in the tranquillity of nature. On the contrary, Coleridge says that poetry is clearly distinguished from nature. Reading the poems of both Wordsworth and Coleridge, one immediately notes a difference in the common surroundings presented by Wordsworth and the bizarre creations of Coleridge. Thus they develop their individual attitudes towards life. I will look at differences and similarities concerning people?s relationship to nature in poems by Coleridge and Wordsworth such as: ?The Ancient Mariner?, ?Kubla Khan?, ?The Nightingale,? ?Lucy?, ?Tintern Abbey,? ?There was a boy?, ? Old Beggar?, ?I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud? and "Frost at Midnight". In ?The Ancient Mariner,? Coleridge demonstrates how violating nature and her subjects brings doom to the infracted. In this poem, the poet emphasises the vengeful, dark side ... ...heir respective views on nature. Wordsworth illustrates man?s necessary bond to nature, one that was being destroyed by state men. Coleridge chooses to present nature as a natural law that one should not violate. Coleridge?s ?Ancient Mariner? poem makes me think of a painting by the romantic painter Turner. Especially of his painting of ? the slave ship? painted in 1840. This painting depicts a slave ship in the red sunset heading into a typhoon creating an anxious feeling. I think that Coleridge poem can be compared with Turner and his apocalyptic view of nature, and Wordsworth can be compared to Constable with his peaceful landscape of English countryside. Bibliography: Holmes, Richard. Coleridge: darker reflection: London: HarperCollins, 1998 Abrahms, M. H, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 2, 7th edition. New York, 2000

Monday, September 16, 2019

Related literature and studies Essay

This chapter contains the researched review done by the proponents about the related ideas regarding the social networking. The critique of both related studies and literature that are related to the present study. A. Related Literature Matt Mickiewicz (2010) stated that, Social networking refers to the act of building networks of people on specific websites. Social networking takes place among people who share something. A social networking site is just a means for building these social networks. These sites are made up of some web representation for each network member a list of their links or interests, and some kind of ‘hook’ or gimmick to set that particular site apart from the crowd. Social networking sites are web-based, and offer their users the ability to link and build networks freely. Members interact with email or private messaging using that site’s servers. ( The present research is similar in a sense that members of the site interact with each other. It will help us to know the latest news update about the school and the upcoming program that were going to held. In the other hand, the school will also inform if th eir followers or the students are interested in the program or activities that the school prepared. Like Mickiewicz stated, a social networking refers to the act of building networks of people. According to usability expert Jakob Nielsen (2011) whose user-experience research firm Nielsen Norman Group today with easy-to-use social networking tools now fully entrenched and very popular inside corporate intranets a trend that took off last year a resultant new trend has emerged. Employees are sharing more of their knowledge more effectively and with more co-workers than ever before. Knowledge management has moved from being a clichà © to being a reality. Employees are the ultimate knowledge resource, and the winning intranets provided features to transform their behavior into manageable knowledge. In particular, organizations used social networking a natural inside the enterprise to give employees practical and simple ways to communicate with one another and even change the way work is  done at the organization. ( The current research is different in a sense it is referring only to the communication of the employees in a certain organization. While in our website, we are much particular to the communication between school officials and students. One of our objectives is to enhance communication among students, faculty members, and school official and other empl oyees. Tom Geismar (2005) found out that, when it comes to online social networking, websites are commonly used. These websites are known as social sites. Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them. The present research is similar in a sense that the purpose of the website is to build socialization between members. Their common interests is that they are in a same community, same school which they are united. As Geismar stated, socialization may include reading profile pages of other members or even contacting with them. So the purpose is the same, we want to improve communication between students and make it easier for them to get information. We use Social Networking Websites because it is commonly used and more popular. According to Larry Brauner (2007), Social networking sites have each a unique protocol and don’t usually provide members with practical how-to advice to help use their sites effectively. They let us figure out the how-to on our own. To increase your number of connections, connect directly to as many other members as you can, especially well-connected members. You can send direct connections messages or emails whenever you wish. Join discussions in group s by posting or commenting when you have something valuable to add, but don’t spam the discussion board or post anything inappropriate. The current research is different in a sense that it is easy to use. Even though we don’t provide such guides to use the site, it’s easy to figure out what’s and how’s because it is user friendly. And also, the members don’t have to connect or add as many friends as they could just to have larger connections, it’s not like Facebook or Friendster. The members will interact with each other by creating post or leaving comment. Mark Zuckerburg (2007) stated that, there’s confusion around what the point of social networks is. A lot of different companies characterized as social networks have different goals some serve the function of business networking, some are media portals. What we’re trying to do is just make it really efficient for people to communicate, get information and share information. We always try to emphasize the utility component. What we figured is that if we could model what those connections were we could provide that information to a set of applications through which people want to share information, photos or videos or events. Social networking sites not serves as a community, or trying to build a community but trying to make new connections. The present research is similar in a sense were both aiming communication between people, to get information and share information. Members can share photos, video sot link to other members but not privately, it will be visible to all the members. Especially the events that will happen or will going to held by the school. It is the perfect location for posting announcements and sharing information. B. Related Studies Yong Yeol Ahn (2007) stated that the Social networking services are a fast-growing business in the Internet. However, it is unknown if online relationships and their growth patterns are the same as in real-life social networks. The Internet has been a vessel to expand our social networks in many ways. Social networking services (SNSs) are one successful example of such a role. It provides an online private space for individuals and tools for interacting with other people in the Internet. It help people find others of a common interest; establish a forum for discussion, exchange photos and personal news, and many more. The current research is different  in a sense that their Social networking services provide users with an online presence that contains shareable personal information, such as a birthday, hobbies, preferences, photographs, writings, etc. While our Social networking services offer features of convenience that help users form and maintain an online network with other us ers. We aim to develop a networking site that only focus to the event and other news that is happening in the school. Jawad Laraqui (2007), found out that an Online social networks are not a new phenomenon. They have evolved slowly into their current form as the popularity of the Internet increased, and as technical advances allowed services to support more complicated feature sets. In the 90s, the fledgling online communities were either easy to maintain message boards or static â€Å"homepage† style web sites hosted by extremely large companies. As technology became more inexpensive it made hosting more advanced social networks with more complex feature sets financially feasible for small companies. The present research is similar in a sense that we are both aiming a social network that has advance features or a unique one that will satisfy the needs of the people. We are going to develop a website that is exclusively for the students and employees of the school. Our school should be competitive to the innovation and enhancement that our technology seeking. Indeed, over the last decade, innovation in this space has always come from small startups. Peter Druschel (2007) stated that, unlike the Web, which is largely organized around content, online social networks are organized around users. Participating users join a network, publish their profile and any content, and create links to any other users with whom they associate. An in-depth understanding of the graph structure of online social networks is necessary to evaluate current systems, to design future online social network based systems, and to understand the impact of online social networks on the Internet. The present research is similar in a sense that the resulting social network provides a basis for maintaining social relationships, for finding users with similar interests, and for locating content and knowledge that has been  contributed or endorsed by other users. The only difference is that only the authorized personnel can edit or have the full control of the networking site. It is for the security and for the privacy of the users. Jasper A. Schelling (2007) studied that, most of the larger social networks share the same properties. User created profiles that describe characteristics, likes and dislikes, combined with a photo, a public friends list of mutual contacts, some form of messaging between users. Some form of blogging and the possibility to upload pictures and music. Looking at these technologies in retrospect it’s easy to see that the current social networking websites combine several of the older communication services. One of the major deficiencies with the current implementations in social networking services is their complete disregard of a hierarchy of social contacts. The current research is different in a sense that, though hierarchy might actually be too strong a word to describe the distinctions that people make in their social contacts, people make distinctions in their social interaction that drive how they interact and communicate with them. In our website we are more particular to the comments and suggestion of the users, especially to the students, their suggestion is a big help to the school administration for the improvement of the school. According to Fred Stutzman (2007), Social network websites enable individuals to represent their social networks in a computer-mediated context. While the exact value and meaning of the social connections represented in online social networks is variable there are distinct connections between the social networks represented in a computer-mediated context and the real world of the many narratives exploring use and outcomes of social network websites, perhaps the most common explores the public sharing o f personal identity information. Over the past four years, social network websites have achieved strong market penetration with a wide range of participants.

Environment Analysis Essay

Marketing Environment Analysis An underlying assumption of the introduction to marketing course is that students learn best and retain more when they actively apply and work with the concepts presented in the course materials rather than simply read about them. Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to apply concepts and knowledge learned in class to real situations to enhance your understanding. A marketing environment analysis is an examination of the major external forces and trends that have impacted or may mpact a market and thus present opportunities and threats for marketers. It involves an assessment of the key components of a company’s task (micro) environment and macroenvironment (see Chapter 3). This information is necessary input into the development of a strategic plan for companies who are involved or plan to become involved in the industry. Project Summary Your short paper should contain the following two parts. Part 1. part 2. Examine the current market micro and macro environmental situation for an industry f your choice (for example, please see the list on page. 5). That is, explore the market, customer, competitive, distribution, demographic, economic, ecological, technological, political/legal, and cultural situations for the industry with particular emphasis on those changing environmental factors that may provide opportunities and threats for companies in the industry (see Chapter 3 for more details; This is primarily sections II and Ill below). Demonstrate your understanding of core marketing concepts that you have not incorporated into Part 1. A partial list of the concepts that should be addressed is provided below (Section ‘V). You are not limited to this list. Examples, both real (preferable) and conjectural (i. e. , things that you think are likely), should be provided to demonstrate your understanding. Most of these concepts should be addressed in your industry analysis (i. e. , Part 1). You do not need to repeat any of the core concepts that are covered in Part 1 . While all parts of this project are important, your demonstration of your nderstanding and ability to use core marketing concepts is particularly important. Regardless of the section (Part 1 or Part 2) in which you discuss the core concepts, please use bold type to highlight the concepts. Please note that this assignment will be completed individually. Your written report should conform (more or less) to the format listed below. The body of the analysis should not exceed six double-spaced typed (12-point type) pages. However, extensive use of appendices (such as charts, tables, industry-related ads etc. is acceptable. The page count begins with the â€Å"Task (micro) Environment Description† (point II. in the format given below) and not with the summary or table of contents. Each item in the appendix must be individually referenced in the body. References (i. e. , sources of information) must be cited in the main text (include author’s name, year) and listed in a reference section (section VI). As with all written assignments, your analysis will be evaluated on its professional appearance, readability, and apparent ettort, as well as on its content.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Diversity Considerations Essay

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. The discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations will also be illustrated in this paper. The paper would further examine the racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities. Moreover, this paper will also analyze how current research may positively impact the delivery of public safety and enhance the evaluation of information and resources. Lastly the chosen articles used for this paper will be evaluated on the basis of their reliability and credibility. Influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations The behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of different human beings are greatly influenced by their experience as well as their genetic inheritance. The ways in which different people are developed are formed by the social circumstances and experiences within the context of their innate genetic potentials. The question remains that how hereditary potential and experience serve their roles in developing the behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of a human being. All human beings are born into specific cultural and social settings and ultimately develop several social connections. The characteristics of a person’s cultural settings greatly influence the way they learn to behave and think, by means of example, punishments, rewards, and instructions. In addition, the culturally induced behavioral patterns, like forms of humor, body language, and speech patterns, become so profoundly embedded in the mindset of human beings that they frequently operate without the people themselves being  completely aware regarding them. All the various cultures include a slightly different mesh of meanings and patterns; attitudes towards different cultures, expectations for behavior, customs and habits in arts, clothing, foods, and religions, social roles, systems of government and trade, ways of earning a living, and values and beliefs regarding each of these activities (Chan,, 2012). What is perceived as acceptable human behavior is different in different religions and in different periods of time. All the cultural and social groups have typically accepted varieties of behavior for their members, with possibly some particular standards for subgroups, like children and adults, males and females, athletes and artists. Atypical behaviors might be considered either simply distasteful or amusing, or punishably illegal. A behavior considered as normal in one culture might be considered as deplorable in some other religion. For instance, assertively competitive behavior is perceived as arrogant in exceedingly coope rative cultures. On the other hand, a lack of interest in competition might be considered as being out of step in many subcultures of an exceedingly competitive society, for instance, the US. It is widely accepted that the expectations, understandings, customs, rules, roles, and norms of interactions in interpersonal relationships are mainly marked out and transmitted by culture and cultural factors. However, it has been found that the cultural influences greatly extend from the expression and interpretation of interpersonal relationships. It has further been found that culture not only influences the internal but external aspects of interpersonal relationships as well. For instance, there is significant evidence which indicates cultural variations in the demonstrations of emotions and feelings underlying interpersonal relationships (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations Race Racism may be defined as the unconscious or the conscious belief in the dominance of one race over some other race. This definition presumes the existence of various biological races, specifically the human genome project. Nevertheless, despite that race is evidently a social construct; racism is still widespread all across the globe. In spite of the fact that a  very small number of people now remain to believe in a superior race having an innate right to practice power over the ones that are considered as inferior; there are a lot of people who still exercise ethnocentrism or racism. They believe that some of their known cultures have some sort of superiority over some others and also that some customs, traditions, cultures, and histories are not appropriately compatible with theirs. Any sort of racism is related to power and the powerful people usually determine what is superior and discriminate against people who have less power. For this reason, racism may be considered as the practical translation of discrimination into action (Chan,, 2012). Ethnicity Discrimination, as with cultural racism, on the basis of culture and ethnicity considers some minorities and cultures as intrinsically undesirable or inferior. Hostility or Anti-Semitism toward Jews as an ethnic or religious minority persists from the medieval times when the Jews were generally the only non-Christian minority that existed in Europe. Jews, expelled from their nations or murdered, stripped of property, penalized with high taxes, compelled for living in ghettos secluded from the Christians, and generally forbidden from practising majority of the professions and trades, strived for hundreds of years against prejudice and injustice of the Christian societies. Xenophobia As a response to the increasing diversity and globalization in the society, many individuals respond with xenophobia that refers to the aversion or fear to foreign countries or foreigners. The concept of foreign in majority of the cases depends on the ideas and images constructed socially, which reduces the globe to â€Å"us†, â€Å"them†, â€Å"good ones like me†, and â€Å"the normal†, the others who are distinctive: a disruption, a threat demonstrating a degradation of appropriate behavior and values. Despite that majority of the individuals consider xenophobia as generally acceptable and in contradiction with the human rights culture; it is not atypical. Discriminations on the basis of xenophobia, for instance acts of violence and verbal abuse, are evidently the violations of human rights (Correa, 2000). Gender Gender discrimination is quite pervasive in our society. Schools, childcare institutions, family, media, and other societal institutions transmit and preserve stereotypes regarding women and men. In the Western societies, conventional gender traits are frequently related to power – men and their specific activities are classified as influential, public oriented, important, brave, productive, strong, outgoing, and having increased value, social recognition, and monetary rewards. On the other hand, it is widely believed that the main traits of women include; family-oriented, caring, dependent, and passive. Religion The boom of Islamophobia is of specific concern these days and since ever, which refers to the discrimination, hatred and fear of Islam, and that is the most common religion in Western countries after Christianity. The antagonism toward Islam following the terrorist attacks on targets in England, Spain, and the US during the past years has unveiled deep rooted discriminations in majority of the Western countries. Amongst the most widespread public expressions of the discrimination is the rejection of being authorized to construct mosques, a scarcity of official recognition of Islam as a religion, restraints on girls and women on wearing the headscarf, and failure in supporting facilities for the religious communities or groups of Muslims (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Sexual orientation Homophobia refers to hatred for or aversion to homosexual people, lesbians or gays, or their cultural backgrounds, or typically to individuals having a different sexual orientation, counting in the transgendered and bisexual individuals. Despite that the legal reforms in a number of Western nations have greatly reinforced the human rights of lesbians and gays; there is a great variation in conditions. This ranges from the urban regions wherein homosexual individuals work and live openly, and also from the civil unions having rather less difficulty, to the rural regions and areas of Central and Eastern Europe wherein gays might follow harassment, discriminatory laws, and even aggression as a psychological disorder, a disease, or even an  ethical offense. The heterosexual norms are unconsciously or consciously applied by several others to lesbians and gays, faulting them for being unsuccessful in conforming to the types of behavior expected of normal individuals. Disability It is misconceived by a number of individuals that individuals having disabilities may not be productive members of the society. The major negative attitudes either include that the individuals having disabilities are sick or broken and need healing or fixing, or even that are good for nothing and require being cared of (Correa, 2000). Racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities People belonging to different linguistic backgrounds face a number of issues in their daily lives. For the fact that culture and language are entwined, language minority individuals are anticipated to use and learn the novel cultural dispositions and the novel language in an effective and efficient manner. This novel culture and language is diverse from what they have learned at home. Despite that the United States is amongst the most diversified nations of the world, there are some languages which are widely employed like Spanish and English. English is the global language which a good majority if individuals employ for communicating in the United States and specifically for global interrelationships. Despite that a number of non native English speakers seek for English language classes in their nations and communities prior to migrating to any Anglophone nation for the purpose of making it convenient for them to intermingle and interact with others, there are many amongst them who yet strive when they face up the reality of interacting with an actual Anglophone. Such people are then discriminated and criticized in various walks of their life. For this reason, the society compels them for improving their communication skills to their earliest (Correa, 2000). Positive impact of current research on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources The current research contributes to the delivery of public health by enhancing the knowledge base regarding the  factors promoting cultural discrimination in our society. Previous studies related to similar constructs have been explored and analyzed in depth which helped in analyzing the impact of cultural diversity and discrimination on various groups and communities existing in the society. Furthermore, the study contributes towards increasing awareness amongst diversified cultural groups and minorities regarding the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. In addition, this research paved the way for cultural harmony in societies that are exceedingly culturally diverse. This research give power to the communities and individuals to meet the challenges allied to the economic, cultural, and social inequality and discrimination in the society. Reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles The reliability and validity of the study are highly important for increasing the credibility and accuracy of the data collected by the researcher. Reliability is referred to the consistency of the data which is achieved when the research instrument gives same results when used again. Moreover, validity is the credibility of the research instrument which checks if it measures what it is supposed to measure. In this study, the reliability of the research method was achieved through matching it with the aims of the study. The sources of data were disclosed in order to have reliable research findings. The validity of the research instrument was ensured by comparing previous researches which have used the same method. Attempt was made by the research to ascertain that the reliability errors are cut down so that in case disparities are noted in the data, they may be attributed to the intervention rather than sloppy inferences. Furthermore, this research meets the criteria of generalizability or the external validity of the research, which entails if the conclusions derived from the research may be transferred to different groups. Conclusion This paper analyzed and explored previous researches related to the topic of this research, that is: cultural diversity. The paper started with the demonstration of the way culture influences on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. This was followed  by the illustrations of the discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations. The factors presented in the paper include; race, ethnicity, xenophobia, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. The last topic of the research content was the racial and cultural diversity existing within non-native English-speaking communities. In the concluding part of the paper, positive impact of current research has also been presented on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources. Lastly, reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles was presented. References Chan, K., Satterfield, T., & Goldstein, J. (2012). â€Å"Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values†. Ecological Economics, Vol. 74, pp. 8-18. Correa, C. (2000), Beyond TRIPs, in D.A. Posey (ed.), â€Å"Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity†, London: Intermediate Technology Publications, pp. 533-534 Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2011). â€Å"Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity†. Psychological bulletin, Vol. 137(2), pp. 242.